1、 在设定罐高前必须要了解伺服液位计安装点到罐底的大致高度或整个罐的高度;如果是一台新表还没有操作过浮子
1. Before setting the tank height, it is necessary to know the approximate height from the installation point of the servo level gauge to the bottom of the tank or the height of the whole tank; if a new meter has not yet operated the float.
Then perform the preparation work before operation (the hub chamber must be opened before the servo level meter is operated, then the tape on the hub should be gently removed, and then a black plastic cover that fixes the hub should be gently removed (the cover is fixed on the hub by two screws). Please note that the operation must be light, and never turn the hub! ;
2. Enter the password by setting the password step.
3. For a new meter, the default height of the instrument tank is 16 meters after it is installed on power. When the new meter arrives at the scene, the display value is more than 16 meters. At this time, the first step is to enter the operation function (the same step as above).
介绍的浮子操作),先将浮子放下一段(可选用“LEVEL”或“BOTTOM LEVEL(罐底)”指令),然后选择“STOP”命令让浮子停下来,再选择“UP”指令提起浮子,浮子最终将停留在16米处(基准点)(出厂设定上限位为16米),再选择“STOP”命令。
The float operation introduced in this paper is to put down a section of the float (LEVEL or BOTTOM LEVEL (bottom of tank) instruction) first, then select the STOP command to stop the float, and then select the UP command to lift the float. The float will stay at 16 meters (base point) (upper limit set at the factory is 16 meters), and then choose the "STOP" command to stop the float.“ STOP command.